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ミラノ/ イタリア




Hello, this is Shark_sicily, the Shimablo Urban Manager.

It’s been a month since I started Clubhouse, so I’d like to share my impressions with you.

The first two weeks

The first two weeks after I started at the end of January were chaotic and full of people from all walks of life.

I think not only celebrities but also various entrepreneurs had set up Room.

I decided to give it a try first, so I set up a Room as an imitation, tried moderating (which I did rather frequently), raised my hand in various people’s Rooms, and made a conscious effort to speak up.

After all, talking increases the number of followers.

To be honest, I couldn’t hide my awareness of the number 1K after I exceeded 900 followers in the fourth week, but I didn’t worry too much about the number of followers and just focused on talking to someone.

Especially in the early days, the more I talked, the more followers I gained.

This is not surprising, since Clubhouse itself is a social networking service that can be roughly described as “talking” or “listening,” so it goes without saying that talking is more interactive.

In this sense, I have experienced that following and following people based on “talking” and “listening” is more active in enjoying this SNS.


Third and fourth week

I feel that the large-group Rooms that existed up until now have been subdivided, and small Rooms with 10 or 20 people or less have been increasing.

I also used to talk about my hobbies of movies, travel, and music in Rooms, but I have the impression that the number of small Rooms for movies alone has increased, and although Room titles have been given in the category of “Movies” up until now, the themes have become more subdivided than ever, such as “Japanese Movies” and “Christopher Nolan” (← my favorite).

As the number of users has increased, the trend may be to maintain density by segmenting the communication of “talking” and “listening,” which tends to become diluted.


Along with this, although it’s a bit of a feeling, I felt that the growth in followers slowed down even when people opened Rooms or raised their hands to talk in the same way.


This is partly due to the fact that over time, I’ve been able to settle on a certain number of members that I can talk to and spend more time talking with them.


What’s interesting these days

It’s interesting to see the phenomenon of friends who have never met each other before getting to know each other and becoming friends with each other using me as a hub.


Clubhouse notifies you when people you follow talk in the Room, and the pattern of your followers joining the same Room through you (they’ve never met each other before) and hitting it off is a very interesting situation, as the Room itself becomes more lively.


By subdividing Rooms, you can talk about core topics in a more pinpoint way.


For example, in the “Christopher Nolan” room, instead of the “Movies” room, you can talk more deeply about Nolan’s works, and the density of the conversation will become thicker. On the other hand, since the depth of the conversation is deepened, it becomes a room where it becomes a little difficult to casually enter.


Room to gather people of the same generation was surprisingly interesting

This is something that can only happen on a social networking service, but there is a Room that gathers classmates from all over the country based on the same year of birth, and when I suddenly entered the Room, I found a large gathering of people my age, and we were able to talk about all sorts of nostalgic things. This is the power of social networking.

Milan / Italy

What is the future of Clubhouse?

This is completely my own personal prediction, but in terms of the situation in Japan, the emergency declaration is scheduled to be lifted on March 7 in the Tokyo metropolitan area, so I think the world will gradually ease up from the so-called complete stay-home trend.

This should lead to a change in the way we use our time, and I believe that people who have been stuck in the Clubhouse swamp will gradually start to change.


I’d like to see if the amount of time spent on apps per person will decrease, or if the increased movement of people will bring in new users, and what will happen to Android users.


I hope you will enjoy the voice social networking service of “talking” and “listening” including such changes.

Milan / Italy
Picture of Shark_sicily


Shimablo Urban Manager
Shimablo Urban Manager